Pública aims at a real impact, pays attention to the relations among territories, culture, time, and people. The result of summing up creativity and innovation is conceptions and executions of extraordinary artistic projects.

3d animation by @samopses

What we are is literally manifested, as well as in our subjectivities: An art agency that, not by chance, is named Pública [public]. We start from the most complex and also most obvious: creativity. Since creating is something that transforms, we train our regard to be both sensitive and critical at once, always seeking to widen our repertoire of experiences through networking. This leads us to innovate, analyzing territories, cultural assets, and citizenship actions.
All of this is based on transparent management, grounded in a conception based on solid studies, with great care during the development phase and culminating in extraordinary deliveries, which Pública is very accountable of.
The squads formed with diversity in mind from artistic curatorship to team composition are examples of our capabilities. This is how we create impact, aiming at the creative experience of the artists — so that they elaborate their processes with their identities and freedoms, engaging with territories, from the creation of a new “place” to the promotion of multiterritoriality — and interacting with the audience, so as to cause unforgettable experiences.

Juliana Flores


Art Director and Founder of Pública

“I majored in Journalism, and my first professional experiences were in television. I was a reporter and tele journalism producer for five years, and that was enough for me for some time. But something started to boil in me… Like daughter, like mother: uneasy desire. My mother and I always shared the passion for literature, and we had the ambition to create a children’s book publishing house. Thinking of editing books for children with great aesthetical relevance and go nuts on creating visual narratives to increase the texts in meaning was a journey that seemed very beautiful. And it has been. In 2009, we founded Aletria Editora (that still exists) and we sparkled right at our premiere, when we launched the book Bichos [Animals], by Ronaldo Simões Coelho and Ângela Lago. The book received several national and international awards.

For some time, I worked happily as a book editor, until I realized that the track began to shake because of another great passion: urban art. I needed to put all threads together. I needed to create. And I have always considered this process to be a collective one.

So, in 2017, once again I joined efforts with two friends, Jana Macruz and Priscila Amoni, to dream and carry out the festival: CURA — Circuito de Arte Urbana [Urban Art Circuit]. This passion was so overwhelming, so engaging that it became the ignition to found Pública, an agency that was born to carry out projects and public art festivals. From then on, we’ve become bonfire, wildfire, volcano. We’ve carried out several mural art and graffiti projects in Belo Horizonte, São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro that make me very proud, such as MAMU — Morro Arte Mural [Mural Art Hill], a project that transforms favela houses in macro murals. I also act as art director and producer of FESTA DA LUZ, a festival of light art installation in Belo Horizonte that had its first edition in 2021; and I acted as art director for the first edition of BREVE ARTE in 2022. Transforming public space with art is really very beautiful, and conceiving works of art that are thought from the territory is my favorite challenge.


After this short breath, let’s go: In addition to being in the forefront of Pública’s businesses and being in love with art, I’m a mother to José and Rita, I practice capoeira, I swim, I hang out always in a group (did I hear flaneur?), and as a good old Brazilian woman, I’m in love with nature, carnival, music, and soccer.”

website details   
Strategic Planning: Jordana Menezes and Thaísa Pires
Creative Director and Designer: Thaísa Pires
Development: Ulisses Pessoa
3D Video: Samuel Preto
Content Producers: Juliana Flores, Thaísa Pires, and Diogo Rufatto (Fúcsia Textualidades)